President Trump Calls China Out on Fake News

President Trump denounced Chinese efforts to interfere with U.S. midterm elections on Wednesday. China purchased advertisements in the Des Moines Register and other newspapers which resembled news articles targeting President Trump’s tariffs on Chinese trade.

China is attempting to punish the Republican Party for Trump’s tariffs.

President Trump refuted that the Chinese are doing this as they are being defeated in trade, opening markets, and that U.S. farmers will make a fortune after the Chinese concede in trade deals.

The Des Moines Register responded that they were not surprised that the Chinese had placed the adverts in their paper, and admitted that it is commonplace for foreign organizations and governments to advertise, and place op-eds and sponsored content to support foreign interests.

While denouncing China through Twitter, President Trump made similar statements at a meeting of the U.N. Security Council in New York.

The Daily Intelligencer reported that President Trump stated, “They do not want me or us to win because I am the first president ever to challenge China on trade and we are winning on trade, we are winning at every level,” Trump said. “We don’t want them to meddle or interfere in our upcoming election.”

So far, China has not made any concessions in the ongoing trade war.

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