Asa’s Carefully Crafted Language on Trump’s Trade War with China

Governor Asa Hutchinson has carefully crafted his language on President Trump’s trade dealings with China. President Trump’s administration has taken a firm stance against China’s theft of intellectual property, persecution of Christians, currency manipulation, and economic policies that undermine the United States.

Meanwhile, Gov. Hutchinson and his Department of Economic Development (Mike Preston – head) are working “daily” to give taxpayer money to entice Chinese corporations to come to Arkansas.

While Hutchinson publicly stated that he gives “confidence and latitude” to President Trump in the China trade war, Hutchinson has undermined these efforts by inviting Chinese industries into Arkansas, providing incentives with taxpayer dollars.

Hutchinson stated in July that he feels President Trump should not “should not squeeze us further”. CNBC reported that Hutchinson said a compromise would mutually benefit both the U.S. and China. “We don’t need to be in a position where somebody has got to say ‘uncle.’

Since taking office in 2015, Governor Asa Hutchinson has visited China on a number of occasions to seek Chinese investments and to strengthen his relations with China. In a 2017 interview, Hutchinson stated ”When Chinese provinces and US states work together, we can create a more solid foundation from which we can work together in other areas.”

President Trump’s tax cuts, deregulation, and nomination of justices to the Supreme Court have benefited Arkansas.

The chairman of the American Soybean Association, Ron Moore, announced that farmers “admire” Trump for trying get China to be a “better and more fair trading partner.”

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