Arkansas to Stop Sex Offenders from Handing Out Halloween Candy

Arkansas legislator Sen. Trent Garner has drafted a bill to stop sex offenders from participating in Trick-or-Treating.

As reported by KATV, Sen. Garner stated, “It’s one of those laws that you think is common sense, you think it would already be on the books…While our children are out there, dressed up as monsters to have a good time, let’s protect them from the real monsters.”

Sen. Garner’s bill would target level 3 and level 4 sex offenders, preventing them from handing out candy or dressing up in costumes. Arkansas has over 16,000 sex offenders. Of the 16,000 sex offenders, 7300 would be stopped from participation by this legislation.

States across the country have implemented restrictions on sex offenders for Halloween. These states include Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, California, New York, and Texas. Restrictions range from “no driving after dark” to “no handing out candy”. In addition, some states require signs to posted in the yards of sex offenders.

The penalty for violating these restrictions might include a felony charge punishable by up to three years in prison, depending on the state.

Parents or guardians who wish to learn more about sex offender laws should contact their local police agency.

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