Tied Election in Arkansas to Be Broken by Game of Chance

After a city council candidate showed up too late to vote in his own election twice, the tied election will be broken by a game of chance on Thursday.

The city council position in Hoxie, Arkansas will be decided by rolling dice, drawing a playing card or flipping a coin. The local laws regarding tied elections in Hoxie, Arkansas even allows for a “duel on the lawn”. 

The tie is between Cliff Farmer and City Council Member Becky Linebaugh. The election is tied 223-223.

Cliff Farmer, candidate, was too late to cast his ballot twice due to poor planning. Incumbent Becky Linebaugh did cast her ballot.

After no candidate received a majority of the vote on November 6, a run-off election was held on December 4.

The tie will be decided by game of chance at 11 AM local time, December 13 at the Lawrence County Courthouse in Walnut Ridge.

Update 12/14/2018: Incumbent Becky Linebaugh won the dice roll, rolling a “six”. Linebaugh will serve for a third term. Farmer, who was late to voting twice, rolled a “four”. The dice roll broke a 223-223 tie.

Farmer stated: “It doesn’t matter what you’re doing — get out there and vote!”

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