Fayetteville: A Portland Wannabe

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The Fayetteville City Council met Aug. 18 and continued into the early morning hours of Aug. 19 on city business. What was it that kept them busy into the night?

Much of the meeting was spent on the question of whether to accept a federal grant which would pay for two police resource officers in middle school. Eventually, the city council declined the extra protection for the city’s school children.  They tabled the resolution indefinitely which is a procedure to permanently kill the proposal.

Let’s get this straight.  Liberals don’t want citizens to have guns on school grounds to protect children. And the Fayetteville City Council doesn’t want the added protection for school children that the federal grant would have provided.

So where is the logical stopping place for the liberals in Fayetteville? Now that they have said “no” to federal help will they be consistent with their left-wing ideas and also decide not to provide any resource officers in any schools in the city? To be consistent will they next vote to defund the police and be more like other Democrat led cities that have also embraced the radical left? We hope not but they are running hard to catch up with the radial left.

Another item of discussion by the Fayetteville City Council was racism.

Was the city council acting against specific acts of racism and seeking justice for the victims? No. Were they taking action to correct a specific racist act by city government? No. Were they taking action to heal racial divides? Heck no!  Instead, they unanimously passed a resolution declaring racism a public health emergency. Why? They had to pass it because that is what other woke Democrat cities are doing.

So, the Portland wannabees of the Fayetteville city council decide not to accept federal assistance to give the city’s school children added security, and passed a vague resolution somehow equating the evils of racism to a health problem.

What will be Fayetteville’s next weird move to catch up with Portland and other radical left cities?


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