This One’s For The Girls


Yesterday, the Senate Education Committee passed SB 354. This bill is to protect women and girls’ sports from any biological male being allowed to play and compete on the same team.  Chair and lead sponsor on the bill, Senator Missy Irvin, opened by explaining the bill and why it is so dear to her heart–her daughters.  She was joined by Matt Sharp who is senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom.  Mr. Sharp is currently representing four girls in cases that this bill would prevent. He is also traveling the nation to speak to legislatures and help pass bills just like this one.  After hearing from six public commenters, the bill was brought to a vote and passed five to three. The original voice vote was flagrantly mis-called as FAILED by Vice-Chair, Senator Joyce Elliott, sitting in for Senator Irvin.  With everyone in the room observing the repartee on center stage, the simple math was five Republicans for the bill and three Democrats against it, yet Vice-Chair Joyce Elliott called it failed after several moments of delay to the bewilderment of the gallery.  Then Senator Joyce Elliott called for a Roll Call, requiring a verbal confirmation and record of their votes.  Upon completion of the roll call, the vote confirmed the public consensus in the room of five Yea’s to three Nay’s.  After the bill passed, a group of citizens started to chant, “SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!”  They were then escorted out by police at the request of Senator Irvin.

Roll Call Vote Results:

Chair & Lead Bill Sponsor Senator Missy Irvin-For

Vice-Chair Senator Joyce Elliot-Against

Senator Charles Beckham-For

Senator James Sturch-For

Senator Greg Leding-Against

Senator Lance Eads-For

Senator Linda Chesterfield-Against

Senator Jane English- For


During discussion, there were different schools of thought on whether a biological male was actually a woman.  There were a few public commenters, even one doctor, who claimed transgendered women who were born biological males were recognized by the medical community as women.  One public commenter who was for the bill spoke on her PTSD from domestic abuse and her experiences with biological males being able to compete in power lifting as females.  One commenter who spoke against the bill was the ACLU Director, Holly Dickson.  Dickson claimed that the bill reinforced the stereotype that women are weaker than men.  Dr. Michelle Linch from the Arkansas State Teachers Association spoke for the bill.  Dr. Linch surveyed her teachers last week and reported that 87% agreed with the bill.

Many who were against the bill claimed that this bill was a ban on transgendered students.  Supporters assured the committee that it is indeed not a ban on transgendered students but rather a safeguard for women and girls who are biologically different from men and scientifically proven to be weaker.  The testimony reinforced that this bill is a protection for girls’ scholarships, safety, and women’s rights.  After a hushed conversation about the votes from Senator Elliot, the bill is now on its way to the Senate floor.  If passed, it will head to the House Education Committee and then to the House floor for the final vote.

If you agree with this bill and you want to protect the fairness in women’s sports, please contact your senator and tell them to vote FOR this bill.   While you are at it, please thank Senator Irvin and others on the committee for passing this bill.




Week 9 Legislative Report

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