A Concerned Republican Speaks Out Against Republican Legislators Who Vote to Defeat School Choice

Op-Ed by Dallas Guynes Green, March 17th, 2021

Below is the Republican Party of Arkansas Education Reform Platform (page 5):

“Education Reform”

“We strongly salute the efforts of educators across the state. The education of Arkansans goes hand-in-hand with our desire to grow the state economically. To become greater players on the global stage, our children must be given the tools to succeed in their chosen fields through education. With a focus on the future, Arkansas Republicans proudly offer this simple statement to be the heart of our vision:


“Arkansas’s children deserve a world-class education, developed by parents, educators, and leaders accountable to our citizens, regardless of their ZIP code. This requires openness to every type of educational system available: homeschooling, distance learning, public school, private school, charter school, and vocational or technical school. Every tool should be given equal consideration and be utilized in a manner that puts the student’s needs above all “to secure to the people the advantages and opportunities of education.” Because students should be the first consideration, parents also have an important responsibility in the education of their children. Every opportunity for every family to enroll each child in the school of its choice should be secured by government and offered to Arkansas families. Parents must have the ability to make informed choices regarding the education of their children and should not be restricted by lines on a map or the cost of tuition. We believe all students should have access to courses in the arts, civics, financial literacy, life skills, vocational or technical training, and computer science. We support continued emphasis on investment in computer coding and rural broadband in order that Arkansas can remain at the forefront of the learn-to-code movement and make our state a national leader in computer science and STEM education. Additionally, as healthy minds reside in healthy bodies, we support increased opportunities for physical exercise—from personal fitness to interscholastic athletics—in every grade level. 6 Discipline must be enforced in our schools and the physical security of students, staff, and school buildings should never be in doubt.”


I have watched some form of this bill try to pass for 6 years.  We must vet Republican candidates.  If they are not school choice, then they are not Republican.  If they don’t want to vote for a bill that will make their Superintendent mad, then they should attend school board meetings in their district every time a parent asks them for help or comes to them with a problem.  I challenge every legislator to attend IEP meetings unannounced.

Do you really believe 517 children are going to break that bank?  Wonder how much those children will cost the government when they become illiterate adults?  Prisons, drug and alcohol abuse and recovery centers, and the foster care system are all overwhelmed because of illiteracy.

If you don’t like these bills that you know are going to be filed ever session, but still want to claim that you are school choice, because that is the Republican Party Platform, then please seek out the families that are at odds with their local public school district and help them find solutions, run legislation that you agree with that will help them.  And there again, if you are not school choice, then you follow that child thru their academic career.  Working to fix the problems and find the resources, with both the parent and the school.

I need you to be a problem solver for a whole lot of kids that can’t read.  The excuses are old and found wanting.  You know it.  We all do.

Do not say that you do not want public funds to go to private nonprofits before you FOIA your district’s State NSLA fund expenditures.  It makes you look ill informed.  No one ever holds those expenses accountable.  Why not?

I am asking my fellow conservative friends to help me hold Republicans responsible.  We must protect the future of this state.  FYI – Superintendents are not the future of this state, it’s the children.

Dallas Guynes Green

Saline County Republican Women President

Alexander, AR

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