Governor’s Phony Local Control Spin on Mask Mandate

Governor Asa Hutchinson wants a mask mandate in schools.  He wants the legislature to pass legislation letting local school boards decide whether to adopt a mask mandate. Governor Hutchinson claims his plan equals local control and is the conservative thing to do.

Is this the conservative thing? No, the conservative thing is to let parents decide whether to mask their children. That is exactly where the law stands now.

But what about this issue of local control?  Asa is a phony when it comes to the local control issue and so are legislators who vote for his plan. Asa picked this one issue but somehow isn’t concerned with hundreds of pages of laws regulating almost every aspect of schools.

Let’s start with a random listing of some (not all) HEALTH RELATED school requirements mandated by the state:

The list demonstrates Asa is not really concerned with local control over school health issues.

But let’s not stop there. Let’s look at some other state laws that inject the state into almost every area of school administration. For example:

Get the point? Asa’s argument for local control of mask mandates is phony. The only reason Asa is proposing legislation to give school boards the decision over whether to impose mask mandates is he hopes the legislature will pass this plan because it makes school boards the scapegoats.

If the plan passes, school board members will be judged at election time based on whether they do or do not pass a mask mandate, not on how well the school is run.

Leave the issue to real local control. Let each child’s parent decide whether to mask their children. And that is where the law stands today.

You need to let your Senator and Representative know your opinion on Asa’s plan to make local school boards his scapegoats.

Don’t know who is your state Senator or state Representative? Use these links. SENATE / HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

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