Tyson Employee Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates

After working at Tyson Foods for over 30 years, Andy Dilatush is losing his job due to the vaccine and testing mandates implemented by his employer, Tyson. Andy shares what his journey has looked like over this past year during the pandemic.

“They’re using coercion, threatening your job… but they’re also paying money to people that do take the shot. They’re bribing people to put this stuff into their bodies — it’s madness to me.”



Tell your state Senator and state Representative to protect vaccine information and to stop the mandates. Ask your legislators to prohibit an employer or a business from asking about a person’s COVID-19 vaccine status.  It should be confidential information between you and your doctor.

TIME IS SHORT. ACT NOW! The legislature goes back to complete its extended session this Wednesday September 29. Some legislators want to adjourn in three days without helping workers.  If they leave without acting it may be 2023 before they have a viable opportunity to address the issue.

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