CAROL DALBY– Ignoring the Republican Platform

Pt 2 of Incumbents Who Ignore Their Party’s Platform

CAROL DALBYIgnoring the Republican Platform
Pt 2 of Incumbents Who Ignore Their Party’s Platform

The primary elections are near (May 24, 2022). You will soon hear your state Senator and Representative talk about their voting records. They will likely focus on their easy votes or small issues, but they may leave out their bad votes.

So, if promises or platforms matter to you, we suggest you ask your candidate whether their votes align with their campaign promises and/or their party’s platform?

Since Conduit focuses on conservative issues and legislators’ voting records, and the Arkansas House and Senate are over 78% Republican, this series of articles will highlight Republican incumbents who consistently vote contrary to conservative values and in many instances contrary to the Republican Party of Arkansas Platform.  This time we focus on incumbent state Representative Carol Dalby.

Representative Carol Dalby has shown little regard for what it is supposed to mean to be an Arkansas Republican. She often disregards the platform and principals to lend support to liberals. Dalby’s habit of trying to block conservative legislation can be seen not only in her voting record but also by the way she chairs the House Judiciary Committee.

Before we get to Dalby’s voting record, we need to remind you of the heavy-handed way Dalby presided over the Judiciary Committee. A video of Dalby’s actions speaks for itself.  In the video Dalby stops conservative legislation by ignoring calls by committee members for a roll call vote. See the video in our article The Joe Bidens of the AR House.


To understand voting records, you need to know not all legislators who oppose legislation vote “No.” Others try to kill a bill without going on record as voting “No.” To do this, some walk off the floor to miss the vote or sit quietly without voting. Another tactic used to help kill a bill without voting “No” is to vote “Present.” Not voting or voting “Present” are not neutral actions. Regardless of whether a legislator votes “No”, doesn’t vote, or votes “Present” each action has the same effect of trying to deny the legislation enough votes to pass.

Representative Dalby’s record shows opposition to many conservative bills by her voting “No,” not voting, or voting “Present.” You will also see Dalby’s record of repeated support for big government and more taxes.

Here are some important votes on which Rep. Dalby’s actions conflict with conservative values and to various degrees with the platform and principles of the Arkansas Republican Party.


  1. Failed to vote on bill to ban abortions in Arkansas if Roe v. Wade is overturned – SB149 of 2019;
  2. Voted “Present” on prohibiting abortions that are based merely on the sex of the child – HB1434 of 2017;
  3. Failed to vote for a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to end abortion – SJR9 of 2017;
  4. Failed to vote for pro-life bill informing women wanting abortions of palliative care options for unborn babies not likely to survive birth – HB1453 of 2019;
  5. Failed to vote to protect a healthcare worker’s right of conscience to not have to perform a procedure that violates their beliefs, such as abortion – SB289 of 2021;


  1. Voted For new Internet sales tax paid by Arkansas shoppers – SB140 of 2017; SB576 of 2019;
  2. Voted For gas tax increase proposals – HB1726 of 2017; SB336 of 2019;
  3. Voted Against sales tax cut on used vehicles – HB1342 of 2019;
  4. Voted For new/increased taxes on tires – HB1267 of 2017;
  5. Voted For $300 million tax increase proposal – HJR1018 of 2019;
  6. Voted For increased fees/taxes on cell phone bills – HB1564 of 2019;
  7. Voted For increased fees/taxes on water bills – HB1737 of 2019;


  1. Voted Against school choice and education savings accounts – HB1222 of 2017; SB746 of 2017; HB1371 of 2021; SB680 of 2021;
  2. Failed to vote on bill to allow homeschoolers rights to take a public-school course – HB1419 of 2019;
  3. Voted “Present” on a bill to make it easier for public school students to transition to home schooling – HB1429 of 2021;


  1. Voted For exemption to Freedom of Information Act to shield government information from the public – SB373 of 2017;
  2. Voted Against transparency in government on bill to require recording of public meetings – HB1928 of 2019;


  1. Voted Against reducing regulations in occupational licensing reciprocity – HB1835 of 2017;
  2. Voted For excessive regulations on catering services – HB1757 of 2017;


  1. Voted For bill to make it easier to deny a person end of life care without a physician’s oversight – HB1685/1686 of 2021;
  2. Voted Against a freeze on Obamacare Medicaid Expansion, which is primarily for those able-bodied adults who can, but chose not to work – HB1465 of 2017;
  3. Voted Against helping nonprofits and small business with the minimum wage law – HB1752 and HB1753 of 2019;
  4. Failed to vote for bill to prevent chemical castration of minor children by doctors – HB1570 of 2021;
  5. Failed to vote for a resolution calling for federal government to pass an amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman – SJR7 of 2017;
  6. Failed to vote for bill to teach how to avoid risky behaviors and promote abstinence in sex education courses – HB1621 of 2019.


The 25 votes of Representative Dalby listed above conflict with conservative values. We believe to various extents the votes conflict with statements in the platform and principles of the Republican Party of Arkansas. We provide examples below that we believe show a conflict but judge for yourselves by reading the full platform and principles of the Republican Party of Arkansas Platform

Items 1-5 conflict with the 2nd Principle “The sanctity of life” and with the platform which says: “Most importantly, we believe all unborn children have a fundamental right to live in order to avail themselves of these equal opportunities.
Items 6-12 conflict with the 6th Principle “Lower taxes to produce economic growth” and the Preamble of the RPAP – “We recognize the importance of lower taxes to spur economic growth and to ensure that individuals reap more of the benefits of their hard work.
Items 13-15 conflict with the Education Section of the RPAP“Arkansas’s children deserve a world class education, developed by parents, educators, and leaders accountable to our citizens, regardless of their zip code. This requires openness to every type of education system available: homeschooling, distance learning, public school, private school, charter school, and vocational or technical school.” “Every tool should be given equal consideration and be utilized in a manner that puts the student’s needs above all ‘to secure to the people the advantages and opportunities of education.’”  “Every education decision we make is with the students and parents first in our minds!” “Every opportunity for every family to enroll each child in the school of its choice should be secured by government and offered to Arkansas families. Parents must have the ability to make informed choices regarding the education of their children and should not be restricted by lines on a map or the cost of tuition.” “to become greater players on the global stage, our children must be given the tools to succeed in their chosen fields through education.”
Item 16-17 conflicts with the Preamble of the RPAP – “Regnat Populus, the People Rule” and with the Government Reform Section of the RPAP – “We firmly support transparency and openness at every level of government. Those elected, appointed, and employed in government work for the taxpayers of this state and must provide public information when requested . . .
Item 18-19 conflict with the Business section of the RPAP “In order to continue moving forward in our economic recovery, businesses in Arkansas need to operate freely from overly burdensome regulation and over-taxation.
Items 20 conflicts with the 2nd Principle “The sanctity of life
Item 21 conflicts with the 3rd Principle of the RPAP – “Individual responsibility and initiative”, the 4th Principle of the RPAP“Individual freedom and liberty secured by a limited government”, and the Individual Freedom Section of the RPAP – Healthcare is not a right; it is a service. As a compassionate society, we will aid those in need; however, a government takeover of healthcare is detrimental to the entire health care system.” “Arkansas Republicans support the freedom of every Arkansan to choose the health insurance plan that best suits his or her needs, as well as the freedom not to choose without the threat of reprisal from the federal government through taxes or fines.” “We strongly support the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and its replacement with laws where Arkansans have multiple patient-centric health choices and states have full flexibility and authority to design a Medicaid program that best fits their needs through federal block grants.”
Item 22 conflicts with the Business section of the RPAP “Arkansas’s small businesses are the drivers of our economy. All levels of government must do all they can to understand and meet the needs of small businesses during our recovery.
Items 23-25 conflict with the Individual Freedom section of the RPAP “Furthermore, we support the appointment and election of judges who respect traditional family values, the sanctity of human life, and are committed to overturn Roe v. Wade.


Conduit for Commerce scores the votes of legislators based on Conduit’s Economic Freedom Filter.  The Economic Freedom Filter analyzes bills that do the following:

Dalby scored poorly on the Conduit for Commerce Scorecard. Dalby has never been recognized as a Hero of Freedom by the conservative organization. Below is a breakdown on her showings on the scorecard, released after each regular legislative session.

Carol Dalby Voting Record – Conduit for Commerce Scorecard History

(In 2021–91% was the Score for the most conservative House Member with a ranking of 1/100.  Only 25 of 100 House members scored lower than Rep Dalby in 2021.)  

Session Score Rank
2021 58% 75/100
2019 45% 62/ 100
2017 40% 69/100




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