Sabotage, Lies, and Liberal Voting Record – Sen. Jim Hendren

State Senator Jim Hendren (I- Gravette) is the figurehead of a liberal funded and liberal supported organization to elect RINOS in the Republican primary who are sponsored by WOKE corporations.

Senator Jim Hendren (I -Gravette)

For years Senator Jim Hendren ran on the Republican ticket, but after Republicans became the majority party, he frequently voted with Democrats to stop conservative legislation and to grow government. By 2015, Hendren began to overtly sabotage conservative legislation.  See CFA’s September 2018 article, Expose liberal voting records and be called a terrorist  which outlines many of Jim Hendren’s tactics.

When Hendren realized no one considered him conservative enough to run for Governor on the Republican ticket, he dropped his campaign for Governor, dropped his charade of being Republican, and in February 2021 declared himself an Independent.

Although he is no longer in the Republican party, he has not stopped trying to derail conservative Republicans who follow the party principles and platform. Hendren and his liberal friends have recruited for the 2022 election cycle RINOS to run against Republicans who actually “have” conservative voting records.

Even though Trump won Arkansas by more than 62% in 2020, Hendren and his corporate, liberal friends have decided that “if you can’t beat them, pretend to join them” is best.  They will work to elect candidates in Hendren’s image through the liberal funded and liberal run organization “Common Ground.[i]”  Their material is infused with many of Hendren’s feel good policies he often describes as “commonsense” and “pragmatic.” We have found through experience, that in the end, those feel-good terms mostly mean, “Shut up and do what my liberal big government friends say.” 


We are focusing on Senator Jim Hendren to show what you will get if you elect Common Ground recruited or supported candidates in the 2022 Republican Primary.

Understanding Voting Records. Before we begin, there are a couple of things we will explain to help you understand the list.

Sometimes a legislator will try to kill a bill without going on record voting “No.” To do this, some walk off the floor to miss the vote or sit quietly without voting. Another tactic used to help kill a bill without voting “No” is to vote “Present.” Not voting or voting “Present” are not neutral actions. Regardless of whether a legislator votes “No, doesn’t vote, or votes “Present” each action has the same effect of making it harder for the legislation to get enough votes to pass.

When a legislator has an excused absence from the Capitol, the legislator can still vote on any issue. An absent legislator can vote using a simple procedure called Pairing.”  As a common courtesy a Senator who is voting the opposite way will agree to have his or her vote paired with that of the absent legislator.  The absent legislator can see the agenda for the day and select which bills he or she wishes to vote on through pairing.

Since pairing is available, when scoring votes, we do not make a distinction between being present and not voting versus being absent and not voting; however, for clarity, if he was absent we will state “failed to use pairing to vote.”


Obamacare (We are listing this category first to highlight Jim Hendren’s use of deceptions and lies used to pass legislation.)


Value of Life


Fairness in Sports

Sex Offenders




Regulation/ Deregulation





Access to Government Information

Other Important Legislation


Conduit for Commerce scores the votes of legislators based on Conduit’s Economic Freedom Filter.  The Economic Freedom Filter analyzes bills that do the following:

He scored poorly on the Conduit for Commerce Scorecards. Below is a breakdown on his showings on the scorecard, released after each regular legislative session.


Sen. Jim Hendren Voting Record – Conduit for Commerce Scorecard History

(In 2021–94% was the score for the most conservative Senator with a ranking of 1/35.  Only 6 of 35 Senators scored worse than Senator Hendren in 2021 and they were all Democrats. However, one Democrat scored better than him.)

Session Score Rank
2021 43% 29/35 (I)
2019 32.9% 30/35 (R)
2017 48% 20/35 (R)



The Republican primary is May 24, 2022, and early voting begins May 9, 2022.

Although Senator Jim Hendren is not running for election, as the figurehead for Common Ground, he is busy supporting candidates who are likeminded with him and predictably will reflect his own voting record. An example of such support was on display recently when he sponsored a table at the Republican Party of Benton County 2022 Reagan Day Dinner and hosted candidates, Peter Christie and Jim Tull, who are running against two House Republicans with solid conservative voting records seeking to move up to the Senate.

If you are a Republican, do you want someone supported by Jim Hendren or his “Common Ground” to represent you as a Republican nominee?



[ii] The Stephen Group: Volume 1 Executive Summary – 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY VOLUME II

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