Andrew Thompson’s False Claim about Rep. Penzo and China

Andrew Thompson’s False Claim about Rep. Penzo and China

Andrew Thompson claims in a new campaign mailer he is the one who is “trusted.” Yet this supposedly trustworthy candidate FALSELY CLAIMS his opponent, Representative Clint Penzo, is “Soft on China” and “Has voted multiple times to spend money in China.

Thompson (who has no record and who claims to be “trustworthy”) is challenging Representative Clint Penzo (who has a solid conservative record) for the Arkansas Senate in Senate District 31. 


FACT #1: Thompson cites three bills Rep. Penzo voted for as providing investment assistance to China. The claim is false. The bills do not send any money to any company or any country. Instead, the three bills are examples of the annual budget legislation for the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. Nowhere in the legislation does it direct even a penny to China or on Chinese investments. All three bills passed the House of Representatives without a single vote against them. If you are still not sure that “trusted” Thompson’s claim is false, then look at the bills for yourself: SB110 of 2019, SB65 of 2018, and SB106 of 2017.

FACT #2: Representative Penzo fought Chinese indoctrination in our state supported colleges and universities. His vote helped stop an actual problem because in the past the University of Central Arkansas has hosted a Chinese Communist Party sponsored program called the Confucius Institute. Penzo voted to stop the Chinese by voting FOR Act 1020 (SB609) of 2021 to:

FACT #3: Representative Penzo fought against China and other countries that are trying to quietly buy up Arkansas agricultural land. Penzo voted FOR Act 1046 (SB314) of 2021 which imposes hefty civil fines on foreign persons failing to make required disclosures under the U.S. Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act.

Click here to learn more about Rep. Penzo’s outstanding voting record: REP. CLINT PENZO – Platform Hero Series

BOTTOM LINE – “Trusted” Thompson’s claims are FALSE.


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