The Supreme Court Runoff Matters!

Judge Chris Carnahan forces runoff

There is a runoff for the Arkansas Supreme Court Position 2 between incumbent Justice Robin Wynne and Judge Chris Carnahan. It is a non-partisan race but Justice Robin Wynne has liberal baggage.

Democrats tend to want activist judges who reinterpret the constitution and laws in a way to push the liberal agenda. On the other hand, Republicans tend to want judges who stick by the constitution and let legislators do the legislating.

Although judicial candidates can’t run as Democrats or Republicans, Justice Wynne can be easily identified with the Democrat Party, having served as a Democrat in the Arkansas House of Representatives.

A majority of voters rejected Justice Wynne in the primary but voters split between two constitutional conservatives, Judge Carnahan being one of them.

The Family Council surveys judicial candidates to help voters understand the judicial philosophy of the candidates. It is no surprise that Justice Robin Wynne did not respond.

Judge Carnahan answered the survey. He said his judicial philosophy is most like U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The U.S. President who most accurately reflects his political philosophy is Donald Trump. The political party’s platform that most closely reflects his views on public policy is the Republican Party.

Since Justice Robin Wynne did not respond to the survey and seems to not want voters to know his judicial philosophy we are providing information to help you understand his philosophy.

Justice Robin Wynne

  1. Former Democrat State Representative[i]
  2. Supported by Democrat Donors[ii]
  3. Has donated to Democrat candidates[iii]
  4. Wants to silence free speech in judicial elections to cover up information getting to voters.[iv]
  5. As prosecutor, intentionally destroyed evidence in a court case according to a federal judge panel.[v]
  6. Refused to answer a voter’s guide questionnaire asking who he was most like in his judicial philosophy on the U.S. Supreme Court, which presidential candidate his judicial philosophy was most like, and which political party he most aligned with.[vi]
  7. Voted against the returning to jury trials during COVID-19.[vii]
  8. Voted to overturn the legislature and the death penalty.[viii]
  9. His dissenting opinion would have sided with the Department of Finance and Administration to broaden the reach of a state law and would have approved forcing millions of dollars of extra taxes on Arkansans when that is not what the state law said.[ix]
  10. Voted to deny contracting rights between parties to avoid jury trials and instead go to arbitration/mediation.[x]

 There is a clear difference between Justice Robin Wynne and Judge Chris Carnahan.

The runoff for the Arkansas Supreme Court Position 2 will be held at the general election in November.


[i] Ballotpedia

[ii] Campaign Finance Reports (Will Bond)

[iii] Ballotpedia

[iv] Wants the judicial code to address “Dark Money”; Id.







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