Who Decides What Children Read?

Jay P. Greene is a senior research fellow in the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation. At Heritage, Jay conducts and disseminates research on the key issues facing education today, including the cultural, civic, and economic implications of how education systems are designed and implemented. He is one of the country’s leading experts on education policy, with highly influential research on a broad range of topics.

Jay joins Conduit to discuss his most recent commentary, “Who Decides What Children Read? Authoritarians Slander Parent Groups as ‘Book Banners.’”

Greene says that if we adopt the expansive view of book banning as not having a work physically present in a school library, then we are all book banners, and that no one should accept the American Library Association and PEN calling those who refuse to follow their dictates without question “book banners,” because in the end, parents will win.

Read Greene’s entire commentary here.


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