Week 9 Legislative Report 2023

Week 9 Summary of Conduit Bill Analysis (see Details Below):


HB1578 – Pharmacy Ownership RestrictionsOPPOSE 

HB1585 – Insurance Regulations on Food Delivery ProvidersOPPOSE

SB353 – Absolute Privileged Communications for all State LegislatorsOPPOSE



HB1572 – No Local Bans on Underground Gas FacilitiesSUPPORT 

HB1575 – Work Search Requirements for Unemployment BenefitsSUPPORT

HB1593 – Protections from Government of People’s Data and MetadataSUPPORT 

SB399 – Protection of Transparency in Courthouses and CourtroomsSUPPORT 


Bill Details:

HB1572 – No Local Bans on Underground Gas FacilitiesSUPPORT 

By: Rep. R.J. Hawk & Sen. Missy Irvin

This bill would prohibit a town, county, special district, or political subdivision from adopting laws or rules that would prohibit the siting, developing, or redeveloping of an underground gas storage facility, a fuel retailer, or related transportation infrastructure. It would also prohibit requiring a fuel retailer to invest in a particular kind of fueling infrastructure, such as electric charging stations.


HB1575 – Work Search Requirements for Unemployment BenefitsSUPPORT

By: Rep. Rebecca Burkes & Sen. Clint Penzo 

This bill would require those receiving unemployment benefits to have at least five (5) work search contacts per business day for a week in which they submit a claim for unemployment benefits. These contacts would include submitting resumes, completing an interview, attending a job fair, or participating in job skill training. 


HB1593 – Protections from Government of People’s Data and MetadataSUPPORT 

By: Rep. Wayne Long

This bill would prohibit the state or state agencies from assisting or providing support to a federal government agency in the collection or use of a person’s electronic data or metadata unless the person has given informed consent or is pursuant to a valid warrant. The data and metadata protected would include electronic communications, including the content, sender, recipient, location sharing information, and any tracking and management of that information.


SB399 – Protection of Transparency in Courthouses and CourtroomsSUPPORT 

By: Sen. Alan Clark

This bill would prohibit the government from banning a person having their phone or electronic communication device in courthouses and in courtrooms under certain circumstances. It would allow a person to use their cell phones in the courthouse outside of a courtroom that is in session. Courts could restrict the use of calling while in the courtroom while court is in session. People could use their devices to view content on their devices. Parties to the cases or jury members are subject to additional restrictions.


HB1578 – Pharmacy Ownership RestrictionsOPPOSE 

By: Jim Wooten & Sen. Richard Murdock

This bill would restrict all pharmacy permits to only licensed pharmacists, a partnership in which each active member is a licensed pharmacist, a corporation or association in which a majority of the stock is owned by a licensed pharmacists, or an LLC in which the majority of its member owners are licensed pharmacists. The law would not apply retroactively but only to new permit applicants. Pharmacy chains headquartered in the state or a pharmacy within a hospital would be exempt. This bill has the potential to create a monopoly, crush competition, and decrease choice and access for consumers. 


HB1585 – Insurance Regulations on Food Delivery ProvidersOPPOSE

By: Rep. Jon Maddox & Sen. Ricky Hill

This bill would require food delivery companies to carry insurance on the car used by the food delivery driver for $50,000/$100,000 for bodily injuries and $25,000 for property damage. If a person does not have insurance or is underinsured, the delivery network companies’ insurance would kick in to cover any damages to third parties. Extensive insurance regulations and response to incidents involving the delivery driver would apply to the company. This is a bill which effectively regulates a new industry—which demonstrates in its purer sense that Arkansas is not on the side of small business.  It will lead to huge increased fees and costs for consumers to get food delivery due to increased insurance requirements and the cost of adhering to regulations imposed by the government.  If passed, this growing new service industry will only be operated by big business.  


SB353 – Absolute Privileged Communications for all State LegislatorsOPPOSE

By: Sen. Jim Dotson & Rep. Jeff Wardlaw

This bill would provide an absolute privilege for current and former politicians to protect any communications in which they are involved in the furtherance of drafting, amending, and passing legislation. Any documents or other communications to government staff such as a drafting request, information request, and supporting documents related to such information would be prohibited from being disclosed, including in any legal proceeding. It would ban all such communications from disclosure under the freedom of information act. It would also create criminal charges for staff employees who do disclose any information that the politician does not want disclosed. 

During the public corruption trial of former state senator Jon Woods, the prosecutors relied heavily on the type of communications and information that this bill would prohibit. Prosecutors were able to show how Woods was using his elected position to draft, amend, communicate, and direct unknowing staff to assist him in furthering his corruption to enrich himself. Not only would this bill shield everything from being used in court, but it would also create criminal charges and penalties for any state staff who cooperate with prosecutors or investigators.

This is a completely self-serving piece of legislation aimed to protect all current and former legislators from facing any consequences for wrongdoing as an elected official. 


Status of Bills Tracked by Conduit on Weekly Scorecard Reports:


HB1087 – Increased Speeding Tickets + Required Community ServiceOPPOSE

STATUS: Withdrawn by Author

HB1189 – New Licensure Regulations/Penalties on Behavior AnalystsOPPOSE 

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate Committee

HB1237 – Increased Regulations and Costs for RidesharingOPPOSE

STATUS: Referred to Committee; hearing scheduled 3/14.

HB1275 – Banning Access to Paper Medical Records if Online Access ProvidedOPPOSE

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Amended 3/8; no hearing scheduled.

SB207 – Increased Franchise Taxes; Banning Businesses from Doing BusinessOPPOSE 

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Referred to House Committee. Hearing scheduled 3/14.

SB233/SB234/SB235 – Promoting Election Fraud and Cheating – OPPOSE 

STATUS: Referred to Senate Committee; Hearing scheduled 3/14.

HB1422 – Special Tax Credits for Healthcare ProfessionalsOPPOSE 

STATUS: Referred to House Committee; Amended 3/9. Hearing scheduled 3/14. 

SB290 – 10% Pay Increase for Elected County OfficialsOPPOSE 

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Referred to house committee. Hearing scheduled 3/13.

SB298 – Price Fixing for Government Nursing FacultyOPPOSE

STATUS: Amended, re-referred to Senate committee. 

SB306 – Increasing Welfare Dependency with Expansion of Food Stamp EligibilityOPPOSE 

STATUS: Referred to Senate committee.

HB1522 – Massive Raises for District Court Personnel Across the StateOPPOSE 

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate committee.

HB1537 – Promoting Voter Fraud; Electronic Voter RegistrationOPPOSE 

STATUS: Referred to committee; Hearing scheduled 3/13.

HB1538 – Regulations on Professional Development for Private School TeachersOPPOSE 

STATUS: Amended. Referred to committee; Hearing scheduled 3/14.

HB1540 – Holding Down Intellectually Advanced Kids Going to Public SchoolsOPPOSE 

STATUS: Referred to committee; Hearing scheduled 3/14.

HB1544/HB1545 – Changing Definitions to Increase Government Loans/Scholarships Exclusively for Medical Students – OPPOSE 

STATUS: Passed House committee; On house calendar 3/13.



HB1012 – Increased Standard DeductionSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; On Deferred Agenda

HB1016 – Standard Deduction Increased by Inflation; No CapSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; On Deferred Agenda

HB1026 – Prohibits Cities Enacting a Local Income TaxSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate (Vote) Signed into law – Act 96 of 2023

HB1027 – Required Voter Approval for New/Increased A&P TaxesSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate (Vote). Signed into law – Act 190 of 2023.

HB1032 – Increased Homestead Property Tax CreditSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate committee.

HB1067 – No Residency Requirement for FirefightersSUPPORT

STATUS: Heard in committee; Failed on voice vote – Rep. Carol Dalby & Municipal League helped kill.

SB5 – Telehealth for VetsSUPPORT

STATUS: Heard on 1/24/23 in Committee; Opposition from out of state academics, cattle related associations; no vote taken. Amended 2/6, 2/8, 2/20, 3/0; Passed Committee. On Senate calendar 3/13.

SB42 – Deregulation on Licensed CounselorsSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Passed House (Vote); Signed into Law – Act 78 of 2023

HB1045 – Repeal of the “Throwback Rule”SUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; On Deferred Agenda.

HB1082 – Occupational Therapist Licensing CompactSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Amended 3/1; Passed Senate (Vote); Sent to Governor.

HB1149 – Prohibit Gifts from Lobbyists to Executive Branch Cabinet Secretaries SUPPORT

STATUS: Withdrawn by the Author (1/25/23)

HB1155 – Increased Childcare Access – At-Home Childcare ProvidersSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate (Vote); Signed into Law – Act 60 of 2023

SB80 – Exempt Capital Gains Tax from Property Conveyed via Eminent Domain SUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; No hearing scheduled.

HB1196 – Part Time Work Requirement for Public Housing BenefitsSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate (Vote); Signed into law – Act 160 of 2023.

HB1207 – Fast Track for Local PermitsSUPPORT 

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Amended 2/20; Hearing scheduled 3/13.

HB1239 – Repeal of Annual Franchise Tax on BusinessesSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; on Deferred agenda.

SB90 – Occupational Licenses Streamlined for Out of State EquivalentsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Referred to house committee. Hearing scheduled 3/14.

SB125 – Increased Free Speech Protections on College Campuses SUPPORT

STATUS: Presented in Committee, Pulled by Sponsor due to lack of support. Amended 2/8/23; Re-Referred to Committee.

HB1345 – Increased Tax Deduction for Teacher Classroom ExpensesSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; On deferred agenda.

SB134 – Tax Cut on Used Vehicles, Trailers, Semi-TrailersSUPPORT 

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Amended 2/15; No hearing scheduled

HB1360 – Electrician Services DeregulationSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Amended 3/2; Passed Senate Committee; Senate calendar 3/13.

HB1382 – Tax Credits for Re-Entry to WorkSUPPORT 

STATUS: Referred to House committee; amended 2/27; on deferred list.

HB1399 – Publication Requirements Reform for Cities and CountiesSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Amended 2/13 & 3/1; Hearing scheduled 3/13.

SB197 – Protection of Private Property Rights Against Local RegulationsSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Referred to House committee; Amended. Hearing scheduled 3/13.

SB206 – Partisan School Board Elections at General Elections with 2-Year TermsSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to committee; no hearing scheduled.

SB231 – Cooling Off Period for Legislators to Become Lobbyist-ConsultantsSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to committee; Amended 3/6; Hearing scheduled 3/14.

HB1401 – Reduction in Cash Welfare ProgramSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate (Vote); Sent to Governor.

HB1407 – Improving Election IntegritySUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate committee

HB1410 – Let Youth Work – No Government Certificate for EmploymentSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate (Vote); Signed into law – Act 195 of 2023.

SB255 – No Outside Funding of ElectionsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Passed House committee. Amended 3/8; House calendar 3/13.

SB258 – No Absentee Drop Boxes for ElectionsSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Amended 3/8; Passed House Committee. House calendar 3/13.

HB1457 – Poll Watchers Bill of RightsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House committee; Amended 2/27 & 3/8. House calendar 3/13.

HB1491 – No New Tax Assessments without Legislative ReviewSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to House committee. 

SB294 – AR LEARNS Act – Educational Freedom AccountsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote); Passed House (Vote); Signed into law – Act 237 of 2023. 

SB304 – Capping Superintendent Buyout PackagesSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed by Senate committee; Withdrawn by Author.

HB1510 – Special Election ReformSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed House (Vote); Passed Senate committee; 

HB1516 – Allowing Businesses to Educate Students for School CreditSUPPORT 

STATUS: Referred to House committee; Hearing 3/14.

HB1532 – Reducing Government Filing Regulations for Non-ProfitsSUPPORT 

Status: Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate committee. Hearing scheduled 3/14.

SB278 – Ending AR Works – Obamacare Program; Shift to Fee for Service ProgramSUPPORT

Status: Referred to Senate committee; no hearing scheduled. 

SB338 – Deregulation on Marketing EggsSUPPORT 

STATUS: Passed Senate Committee; Senate Calendar 3/13.