Week 11 Legislative Report 2021


Week 11 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details Below):


HB1734 – Immunity for Law Enforcement at Private Colleges – OPPOSE



SB534 – Quarterly Reports for AR Home (Medicaid Expansion) Program – SUPPORT

SB535 – Protecting Private Information Involving Nonprofit Organizations – SUPPORT

SB562 – Converting Paper Filings to Electronic Filings for Candidates for Office – SUPPORT

SB574 – Liability Sharing Organization Recognized as Motor Vehicle Insurance – SUPPORT

SB580 – Virtual Schooling Allowed for Barber/Cosmetology – SUPPORT

SB583– Voter Fraud Hotline and Prosecution by Attorney General – SUPPORT

HB1737 – Excluding Delivery Charges from Sales and Use Tax – SUPPORT

HB1817 – Section 179 Depreciation at State Level – SUPPORT


Bill Details

SB534 – Quarterly Reports for AR Home (Medicaid Expansion) Program – SUPPORT

By: Sen. Dan Sullivan (R – Jonesboro)

This bill would require at least quarterly reports regarding the Obamacare Medicaid expansion program now called AR Home. The reports must include actual revenue spent from the state, actual enrollment in the program, amount received from the federal government, and the number of enrollees involved in work-type programs.


SB535 – Protecting Private Information Involving Nonprofit Organizations – SUPPORT

By: Sen. Breanne Davis (R – Russellville)

This bill would prohibit public agencies from disclosing private information of nonprofit organizations and their members when such information is not required to be disclosed by federal or state statute.  It would protect private information such as membership, volunteers, donors, donations, etc from disclosure and thus protect personal information from being tracked and released by any public entity.  Privacy is for private individuals and transparency is for government.


SB562 – Converting Paper Filings to Electronic Filings for Candidates for Office – SUPPORT

By: Sen. Alan Clark – (R – Lonsdale)

This bill would change the current scenario where candidates can still file paper reports if they claim a hardship due to technology deficiencies. Instead, the candidate must allow the Secretary of State to take their paper returns and convert the information into electronic returns. This will provide more transparency in campaign finance and prevent candidates from avoiding having their records easily searchable.


SB574 – Liability Sharing Organization Recognized as Motor Vehicle Insurance – SUPPORT

By Sen. Bob Ballinger (R – Berryville)

This bill would recognize a private liability sharing organization, such as a Liberty Share or similar program to be recognized as motor vehicle insurance. This allows an outside the box to the main competitors of motor vehicle insurance that could potentially save consumers money while maintaining government required motor vehicle insurance.



SB580 – Virtual Schooling Allowed for Barber/Cosmetology – SUPPORT

By: Sen. Linda Chesterfield (D – Little Rock)

This bill would allow at least 50% of a program of study for barber or cosmetology schooling to be completed virtually. Allowing more choice and opportunities could increase the amount of people who can take part in the program and get closer to a profession to improve their lives.


SB583– Voter Fraud Hotline and Prosecution by Attorney General – SUPPORT

 By: Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton)

This bill would require the Attorney General’s office to set up a new hotline for people to report voter fraud.  It would also push the Attorney General and require him or her to appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute voter fraud cases.  Data collection on the number of voter fraud reports would also be collected. This would allow a new, streamlined approach to reporting and prosecuting voter fraud in this state.


HB1734 – Immunity for Law Enforcement at Private Colleges – OPPOSE

By: Lee Johnson (R – Fort Smith)

This bill would create immunity for law enforcement officers working at private colleges. If they hurt, kill, or destroy a person’s property they would not be personally liable if they are acting within the scope of their job as a private school law enforcement officer. This increases carte-blanche immunity for quasi-government type actors when hurting people, and possibly killing them—thus reducing their liability or repercussions. This is bad for the public and prevents the injured from being able to file lawsuits to protect their rights.


HB1737 – Excluding Delivery Charges from Sales and Use Tax – SUPPORT

By: Rep. Cindy Crawford (R – Fort Smith)

This bill would provide an exemption on delivery charges from the Arkansas sales and use tax. This would make clear that purchases, including online purchases, should not have delivery charges added into the total sales price for an item before sales tax is applied. This is a good thing and will same consumers money.


HB1817 – Sections 168 & 179 State Depreciation to Adopt Federal Tax Law– SUPPORT

By: Rep. Howard Beaty Jr. (R – Crossett)

This may be the best pro-business, tax-cut bill to come out of the state legislature since Republicans took over the majority in 2012!  Based on policy and platforms alone, it may be assumed that none of the 29 Democrats will support this bill, while it should also be assumed that all 106 Republicans will vote “for” it.


HB1737 changes the state depreciation laws to add bonus depreciation through 2026 and permanently increases Section 179 depreciation to be identical to federal depreciation laws.  The federal tax codes adopted are those in place as of January 1, 2021.


Adding bonus depreciation will allow any size business to deduct the full cost of equipment (new and used) during its first year in use for the tax year 2022, with the allowed depreciation rate for new purchases decreasing 20% each year until it goes to zero in 2027.  Adopting the federal Section 179 depreciation will allow Arkansas companies of all sizes to permanently increase their current AR Section 179 depreciation from $25,000 to $1,050,000 (which is adjusted annually for inflation.)


If passed, HB1817 means:

  • A tax cut for all businesses which invest their own money back into their company;
  • Opportunity for job growth;
  • Attracting more businesses to Arkansas;
  • Increase in capital investments in Arkansas by private enterprise;
  • Avoids government picking winners and losers through special tax incentives;
  • Sends a strong message to all businesses in Arkansas–“We want more of what you have to offer!”


During the 2018 work of the Arkansas Tax Reform and Relief Legislative Tax Force, the effects of adoption of federal depreciation schedules was studied.  Their report may be viewed in Proposal #22.  The adoption of many of the recommendations of the 2018 tax task force have produced a large revenue surplus in Arkansas which more than pays for the passage of this pro-business bill.


With Republicans having an 80% majority in the Senate and a 78% majority in the House, this bill is a no-brainer and should be passed.


Week 10 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


SB410 – Changing Name of Obamacare Medicaid Expansion – OPPOSE

            STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); In House Public Health Committee

SB494 – Immunity from Lawsuits for Campus Police Departments – OPPOSE

            STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); In House Judiciary Committee



SB483 – Repeal of the Throwback Rule (Taxes) – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate Revenue and Tax Committee

SB498 – Challenged Election Results to State Election Commission – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies

SB522 – Reducing Individual Income Taxes to Zero Percent – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred Senate Revenue and Tax Committee

SB525 – Returning Franchise Tax Filings to Secretary of State – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Referred to House Revenue/Tax

HB1667 – Universal Licensing Recognition for Military Spouses – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House Public Health, Welfare, Labor Committee


Week 9 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


SB351 – Regulating Ride-Share Companies at Airports – OPPOSE

            STATUS: Referred to Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee

SB418 – Increased Fees for State Parks Use – OPPOSE

            STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Referred to House State Agencies



SB379 – Legislative Oversight over Emergency Declarations – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Signed into Law – Act 379; Senate Vote; House Vote

SB453 – Special Election Reform (Retry) – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies

HB1354 – Prohibiting Gifts from Lobbyists to Cabinet-Level Department Secretaries – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House Rules Committee

HB1367 – E-Notary Allowed – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House State Agencies

HB1642 – Child Support Cooperation in Public Housing – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House City County Local Committee


Week 8 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


HB1517 – New Electronic Voter Registration – OPPOSE

            STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Referred to Senate Committee



SB192 – Political Freedom for Public Employees – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee

SB194 – Allowing Photographing of Public Records – SUPPORT

STATUS: Signed into Law (Senate Vote Breakdown); (House Vote Breakdown);

SB195 – Private Foundations with Government Purpose Subject to FOIA – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee

SB196 – Attorney’s Fees Awarded for Getting Public Records During Litigation – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Passed the Senate (Vote Breakdown); In House State Agencies Committee

SB197 – Civil Asset Forfeiture Changes to Criminal Proceedings – SUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee

SB301 – Returning of Fees Paid for Violations of COVID19 Orders – SUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Sent to Governor

HB1512 – Promoting Work in Food Stamps – SUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Sent to Governor


Week 6 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


SJR9 – Legislative Rulemaking Authority Over Courts)OPPOSE

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies



SB295 – Welfare Program Integrity – SUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Referred to House Public Health/Welfare/Labor Committee

HB1439 – Volunteer Health Care Act Expansion to TherapistsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Referred to Senate Public Health/Welfare/Labor Committee

HB1447 – Special Election Reform for Tax ElectionsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House Revenue and Tax Committee

HB1460 – Workforce Freedom – Uniform Licensing Rules Across the StateSUPPORT

            STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Referred to Senate State Agencies

HJR1019 – Election of Judges on a Partisan BasisSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House State Agencies


Week 5 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


SB217 – Promoting Election Fraud OpportunitiesOPPOSE

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies

SB230 – Unlimited Assistance by Third Party Persons in Voting– OPPOSE

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies


SB231 – Stripping Felons of State Retirement BenefitsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Retirement

SB252 – Prohibiting an Office in China for Economic DevelopmentSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Failed in House Committee

There are special interests’ groups, including Tyson Foods, Farm Bureau, the Governor’s office, and AEDC, who oppose this bill and were successful at first in killing it in committee with the “No” votes of Senators Cecile Bledsoe, Jane English, Breanne Davis, and Clark Tucker.  Senators Trent Garner, Bob Ballinger, and Jason Rapert supported the bill.

HB1368 – Special Election ReformSUPPORT

            STATUS: Failed AGAIN on House Floor. Clincher Motion Adopted. Vote Breakdown:


            Republicans Voting “No”:

            Stan Berry

            Frances Cavenaugh

            Craig Christiansen

            Bruce Coleman

            Bruce Cozart

            Carol Dalby

            Marsh Davis

            Gary Deffenbaugh

            Brian Evans

            Charlene Fite

            Lanny Fite

            Michelle Gray

            Delia Haak

            David Hillman

            Joe Jett

            Lee Johnson

            John Maddox

            Ron McNair

            Johnny Rye

            Stu Smith

            Les Warren

            Danny Watson

            Jim Wooten



            Republicans Refusing to Vote:

            Ken Bragg

            Les Eaves

            Jack Fortner

            Spencer Hawks

            Lane Jean

            Matthew Shepherd (*Speaker)

            Dwight Tosh


HB1371 – School Choice Tax Credit ScholarshipsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Failed on House Floor (Vote Breakdown)

HB1428 – Repeal of Arkansas Works, Transition to Medicaid Fee for ServiceSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House Public Health Welfare Labor Committee

HB1431 – Increased Sales Tax Exemption for Used CarsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House Tax and Revenue Committee

HB1416 – Work from Home FreedomSUPPORT

            STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Referred to Senate City/County Committee

HB1403 – Reducing the Top Income Tax RateSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to House Revenue and Tax Committee

SJR3 – Allowing the State to be SuedSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies


Week 4 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


None this week.



HB1254 – APRN as Primary Care Provider within Medicaid ProgramSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Referred back to House Public Health Committee

HB1231 – Rejecting the 1619 Project in Public SchoolsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Withdrawn by Author

HB1227 – No Minimum Wage While Off Duty for Truck DriversSUPPORT

            STATUS: Signed by the Governor, Now Act 91

SB208 – Updated “Meeting” Definition for FOIA; Updated Groups Subject to FOIASUPPORT

            STATUS: Heard in Committee Meeting; No Vote Taken

SB205 – Transparency for the Rainy-Day FundSUPPORT

STATUS: Signed by Governor. Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown), Passed House (Vote Breakdown),

HB1316 – Phasing Out and Ending the Soft Drink TaxSUPPORT


SB186 – No Collaborative Practice Agreement for APRNs after 1,000 HoursSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate Public Health, Welfare, Labor Committee


Week 3 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see Details HERE):


HB1030 – Ensuring Increases in Gas Tax RevenueOPPOSE


HB1038 – Internet Sales Tax on Delivery ChargesOPPOSE


HB1045 – Defines Cigarette Paper to Include Vaping ProductsOPPOSE


SB141 – Granting Power Over Election Changes to the Secretary of State During an EmergencyOPPOSE

            STATUS: Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee



HB1211 – Religious Freedom Protected During EmergenciesSUPPORT

            STATUS: Signed by the Governor, Now Act 94

HB1215 – Full Practice Authority for Nurse MidwivesSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Re-referred to House Public Health Committee

SB153 – Waiving of License, Permit, and Filing Fees for New BusinessesSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Referred to House Public Health, Welfare, Labor Committee

SB176 – Allowing Pharmacists to Treat Certain Health ConditionsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred to Senate Public Health, Welfare, Labor Committee


Week 2 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see bill Details HERE):


HB1139 – FOIA Exemption for Funeral Home InvestigationsOPPOSE

            STATUS: Withdrawn by the Author

SB132 – Corporate Welfare Appropriation of $75 MillionOPPOSE

            STATUS: In Joint Budget Committee


HB1112 – Voter Integrity in Provisional BallotsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed the House (Vote Breakdown), Passed the Senate (Vote Breakdown); SIGNED by Governor – Act 249.

HB1157 – Increased Deduction for Teacher ExpensesSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Revenue and Tax Committee

HB1160 – Sales Tax Exemption for Used Cars IncreasedSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Revenue and Tax Committee

HB1189 – No Special Interest Pay for Government WorkersSUPPORT

            STATUS: In State Agencies Committee

HB1190 – Cost of Living Adjustments for Standard DeductionSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Revenue and Tax Committee; Heard but no Vote Taken

HB1191 – Increase of Standard DeductionSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Revenue and Tax Committee

HB1198 – Amending Supervision Requirements for Nurse AnesthetistsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Sent to Governor

SB117 – Hybrid Car $100 Fee RemovedSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Transportation Committee


Week 1 Summary of CFA Bill Analysis (see bill Details HERE):


SB2 – Massive Tax Increase for Redistribution of Wealth SchemeOPPOSE

            STATUS: In Senate Revenue and Tax Committee

SB10 – Redistribution of Wealth through EITCOPPOSE

            STATUS: In Senate Revenue and Tax Committee


SB9 – Repealing of Car Wash Water Usage TaxSUPPORT

            STATUS: Heard in Committee, No Vote Taken. In Senate Revenue and Tax Committee

SB15 – Emergency Powers Duration LimitedSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Senate Judiciary Committee

SB17 – Liability Immunity Against COVID19 LawsuitsSUPPORT

            STATUS: In Senate Public Health Committee

SB23/HB1055 – Self-Regulation for CO-OP OrganizationsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Referred for Interim Study

HB1011 – Repeal of Income Taxes for Those Making Under $22,000SUPPORT

            STATUS: In House Revenue and Tax Committee

HB1063 – Expansion of Telemedicine to Phone CallsSUPPORT

            STATUS: Passed House (Vote Breakdown); Sent to Senate

HB1064 – Price Transparency for Medical ServicesSUPPORT

            STATUS: In House Insurance and Commerce Committee

HB1066 – Beer Shipping Direct to ConsumersSUPPORT

            STATUS: In House Rules Committee

HB1068 – Expanded Telemedicine UseSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed the House (Vote Breakdown), Passed Senate (Vote Breakdown); Sent to Governor



Week 10 Legislative Report

Week 9 Legislative Report