Arkansas Legislative Scorecard 2021

2021 Scorecard

Conduit for Commerce Releases Arkansas Legislative Scorecard for the 93rd General Assembly Regular Session 2021

FAYETTEVILLE — Conduit for Commerce released its Arkansas Legislative Scorecard for the General Assembly’s 2021 Regular session. This scorecard calculates and ranks each legislator’s voting record on economic related bills for the regular session though April 2021.

This Legislative Scorecard is an invaluable resource for Arkansans to learn how their state legislators voted during the General Assembly and compare those votes to the mission of Conduit: more economic freedom for all Arkansans. There are four factors when determining if a bill is good or bad as they relate to economic freedom to Arkansans. This Economic Freedom Filter analyzes bills that do the following: 1. Increase or decrease the size and scope of government; 2. Increase or decrease dependency on government; 3. Does it spend money we do not have, and 4. Increase or decrease transparency in government.

For the first time this year, Conduit analyzed and scored votes on “social freedom” issues. Those bills focused on issues of individual freedom and social order, such as abortion, the 2nd Amendment, election integrity, COVID-19 response/freedoms, and other legislation impacting social issues or individual freedoms.

Conduit for Commerce not only scored each legislator’s voting record, but Conduit also awarded the top scoring legislators for their outstanding record. This year, CFC will be awarding Calvin Coolidge awards to the top 20% of the Senate and House for their voting records.

This scorecard represents how the legislators actually voted this General Assembly. CFC did not take into account their rhetoric or their tweets and failed promises. Actions and votes are what matter most, and that is what their constituents must know.