Why were residents, local officials, and lawmakers left in the dark about the state prison project?

Outrage continues to grow amongst Franklin County residents after the Sanders administration made the recent decision to build a new state prison in that quiet rural community.

Lifelong Franklin County resident Shannon Sosebee McChristian and her son Jonathan Tedford are directly impacted by this proposed prison because their family land connects to the property the state bought on all sides. McChristian and Tedford walk viewers through the entire timeline of events.

“It doesn’t matter how much money comes in here,” McChristian says, “we’re not willing to make that trade off. I don’t think she (Sanders) thought that would be an issue. I really thought that in her mind, somehow, it was going to be accepted and approved here, but it’s just not going to happen.”

Senator Bryan King said, “This decision is expected but I’m disappointed to see the Governor not have any respect for the local people in giving them a fair chance to voice their concerns. This kind of action is not what our country was founded on. A long time Republican not providing details on a $470 million estimate is fiscally irresponsible.”

“They’ve taken away the voice of the people,” said, Senator Gary Stubblefield.

The million dollar question remains: Why this particular plot of land and why was it done in secret?

So far, FOIA requests made have been denied by the Governor’s office.

To learn more about the efforts made by the Franklin County and River Valley Coalition, visit the facebook page here.

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