Week 4 Legislative Report 2023

Week 4 Summary of Conduit Bill Analysis (see Details Below):


HB1341 – Less Transparency in Property Tax ReceiptsOPPOSE


HB1345 – Increased Tax Deduction for Teacher Classroom ExpensesSUPPORT

SB134 – Tax Cut on Used Vehicles, Trailers, Semi-TrailersSUPPORT

Bill Details:

HB1345 – Increased Tax Deduction for Teacher Classroom ExpensesSUPPORT

By: Rep. Dwight Tosh and Sen. Dave Wallace

This bill would increase the tax deduction that Arkansas teachers can take against what they spend on classroom expenses from $1,000 to $1,500. Arkansas Republicans first passed this tax savings for teachers and have increased it steadily each session.

SB134 – Tax Cut on Used Vehicles, Trailers, Semi-TrailersSUPPORT

By: Sen. John Payton and Rep. John Maddox

This bill would exempt used vehicles purchased at $10,000 or less from Arkansas sales tax, and exempts trailers and semitrailers purchase at $4,000 or less from Arkansas sales tax.

HB1341 – Less Transparency in Property Tax ReceiptsOPPOSE

By: Rep. Stetson Painter and Sen. Scott Flippo

This bill would decrease transparency in property tax receipts. Currently, tax collectors must disclose several pieces of information on property tax receipts including millage rates by taxing authority. It also breaks down the percentage of their property tax and how it is allocated to each taxing authority. This bill would no longer require this for all taxpayers, and instead put the onus on each individual taxpayer to specifically request this information.


Status of Bills Tracked by Conduit on Weekly Scorecard Reports:


HB1087 – Increased Speeding Tickets + Required Community ServiceOPPOSE

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Moved to Deferred Bills on Agenda; no hearing scheduled

HB1189 – New Licensure Regulations/Penalties on Behavior AnalystsOPPOSE

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no Hearing scheduled.

HB1237 – Increased Regulations and Costs for RidesharingOPPOSE

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no Hearing scheduled.

HB1275 – Banning Access to Paper Medical Records if Online Access ProvidedOPPOSE

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no Hearing scheduled.



HB1012 – Increased Standard DeductionSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no hearing scheduled

HB1016 – Standard Deduction Increased by Inflation; No CapSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no hearing scheduled

HB1026 – Prohibits Cities Enacting a Local Income TaxSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Committee (1/26/23); Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate committee

HB1027 – Required Voter Approval for New/Increased A&P TaxesSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Amended 2/1/23; no hearing scheduled

HB1032 – Increased Homestead Property Tax CreditSUPPORT

STATUS: Heard in committee; Chair Eaves did not allow a vote on the bill.

HB1067 – No Residency Requirement for Firefighters SUPPORT

STATUS: Heard in committee; Failed on voice vote – Rep. Carol Dalby & Municipal League helped kill.

SB5 – Telehealth for VetsSUPPORT

STATUS: Heard on 1/24/23 in Committee; Opposition from out of state academics, cattle related associations; no vote taken.

SB42 – Deregulation on Licensed CounselorsSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed committee; On Senate Calendar for 2/6/23

HB1045 – Repeal of the “Throwback Rule”SUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; currently on agenda.

HB1082 – Occupational Therapist Licensing CompactSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Committee 1/19/23; Passed House (Vote); Referred to Senate Committee

HB1149 – Prohibit Gifts from Lobbyists to Executive Branch Cabinet SecretariesSUPPORT

STATUS: Withdrawn by the Author (1/25/23)

HB1155 – Increased Childcare Access – At-Home Childcare ProvidersSUPPORT

STATUS: Passed Committee (1/19/23); rereferred to Committee (1/23/23); Amended, Passed Committee again (2/2/23)

SB80 – Exempt Capital Gains Tax from Property Conveyed via Eminent DomainSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; No hearing scheduled.

HB1196 – Part Time Work Requirement for Public Housing BenefitsSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; Non-substantive amendment (2/2/23)

HB1207 – Fast Track for Local PermitsSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no hearing scheduled

HB1239 – Repeal of Annual Franchise Tax on BusinessesSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no hearing scheduled

SB90 – Occupational Licenses Streamlined for Out of State EquivalentsSUPPORT

STATUS: Referred to Committee; no hearing scheduled

SB125 – Increased Free Speech Protections on College CampusesSUPPORT

STATUS: Presented in Committee, Pulled by Sponsor due to lack of support.