Bill to allow Ivermectin to be sold OTC >> Key Vote Alert in House Public Health Thursday

🟢 SB189 by Sen. A. Clark: Authorizes the Sale of Ivermectin for Human Use Without Requiring a Prescription or Consultation With a Healthcare Professional â€” SUPPORT

This bill is a good start for medical and health freedom in Arkansas. This bill expands medical freedom in the state, allowing Arkansans to make their own decisions regarding their health. SB189 cuts out big pharma gatekeeping and does not require the waiting period for a prescription of Ivermectin. The bill challenges the FDA’s control over alternate treatments, which means more choices and fewer restrictions for Arkansans.

SB189 passed the Senate last week. The last hurdle is to get it through House Public Health and then on to the House floor.

Contact these House committee members and urge them to pass this common sense piece of legislation.

ChairRepresentative Jeff Wardlawjeff@jeffwardlaw.com870-226-9501
Vice ChairRepresentative Jeremy Wooldridgejwooldridge@crdcnea.com870-565-7784
Representative Fred Allenfredallen99@comcast.net501-804-7844
Representative Glenn Barnespinehillmbc111@gmail.com870-329-7957
Representative Mary
Representative Cameron Coopercameron.cooper@arkansashouse.org501-230-5635
Representative Denise Jones Ennettdenise.ennett@arkansashouse.org501-690-4211
Representative Kenneth B. Fergusonkenneth.ferguson@arkansashouse.org870-413-8942
Representative Zack Gramlichzack.gramlich@arkansashouse.org479-831-8072
Representative Dolly Henleydolly.henley@arkansashouse.org870-703-4826
Representative Lee Johnsonlee.johnson@arkansashouse.org479-883-6393
Representative Jack Ladymanjackladyman@gmail.com870-340-7499
Representative Wayne Longwayne.long@arkansashouse.org501-530-1434
Representative Stephen Magiestephen.magie@arkansashouse.org501-327-4444
Representative Kendra Moorekendra.moore@arkansashouse.org479-966-9191
Representative Mark Perrymark.perry@arkansashouse.org501-982-4561
Representative Aaron Pilkingtonaaron.pilkington@arkansashouse.org479-308-8384
Representative Jay Richardsonjay.richardson@arkansashouse.org479-853-6963
Representative Ryan A. Roseryan.rose@arkansashouse.org479-285-6383
Representative Bart Schulzinfo@bartschulz.com870-613-1940