What words are used as the basis of programs pushing transgender indoctrination of minors and the “transitioning” of minors to identify as a different sex without the support of parents? Such programs are based on the words “diversity, equity, and inclusion” or at least one or more of the words. Some programs use the acronym DEI.

For example, when the Fayetteville School District sought a grant to implement a program to sexualize children and “help” students who want to transition to another gender, while leaving parents uninformed, the school district sought a grant from the Walton Foundation (Walmart heirs) for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The school district showed that the part of the program focused on gender identity was the overriding factor [i] for applying for the grant and participating in the TRUE Northwest Arkansas Train Cohort. Under the district’s program, if a child wanted to keep the new “gender identity” private, the district would not let the parents know what was going on and would assign “transitioning” students an on-campus adult for support.
Unfortunately, Fayetteville School District is not alone. The Biden Administration fully supports the sexualizing of children. Take a look at the White House Tool Kit for Transgender Equality. It’s not about equality!
Where did the phrase “diversity, equity, and inclusion” come from? The phrase grew out of affirmative action programs. The phrase is used as a way to toss out the concept of equality. Affirmative action plans use the phrase as a way to give special treatment or privileges to groups of people who are considered minorities or who are deemed to be underrepresented in certain segments of the population. The transgender community is considered to be one of those communities.
Did you know Arkansas affirmative action laws use one or more of the DEI buzzwords?
We did not know how pervasive the DEI words are in Arkansas law until State Senator Dan Sullivan filed Senate Bill 71, titled “TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION OR PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT BY THE STATE OF ARKANSAS AND OTHER PUBLIC ENTITIES.” His bill was an effort to join several other states in eliminating laws adopting affirmative action. Read the bill and you will see one or more of the buzzwords on every page of the thirteen page bill, where Sullivan was trying to repeal affirmative action. The bill passed in the Arkansas Senate but failed in the Arkansas House of Representatives. When you use the links to view the votes, you will see many legislators did not want to go on record as voting against the bill but still helped kill the bill by not voting or voting “present.”
At New York City’s annual drag queen parade, marchers chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.“[ii] This is the new face of the transgender movement.
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[i] https://conduitnews.com/2022/08/09/public-school-and-the-lefts-battle-for-your-children/
[ii] NYC drag marchers chant ‘We’re coming for your children’ during Pride event, Fox News, June 25, 2023